
Wednesday, April 20, 2005

look what my friend Paulie made for me :) 

# posted by head blogger @ 9:32 pm
How cute is this??? I love it!!! Thanks Paulie!!!

Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Post Script: I'm going to the final shows in LA 

# posted by head blogger @ 8:53 pm
I succumbed and I'm heading off to LA for the last 2 shows of the Farewell Tour at the Hollywood Bowl. As of the time of writing, I have 4th row tickets for the Friday night show, and I'm still trying to get a ticket for the last ever show on the Saturday night.

I'll post an update when I know more or from LA even!

David x

Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Monday, March 28, 2005

new pics from Brisbane! 

# posted by head blogger @ 9:59 am
with many thanks to my new friends Jeff & Bill from San Francisco, here are some pics from Brisbane's first show on 11 March.

Cher friends!

Cher wearing my hat for Turn Back Time!

Cher performing Believe!

Great pics and there's still more to come so check back here again soon!

Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February &amp;amp; 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

It's so sad that you're leaving, takes time to believe this.... 

# posted by head blogger @ 1:46 pm
The Australian Tour wrapped up in Sydney last night with a spectacular show.

Cher was in a great mood, in fabulous voice and the crowd was pumped and really into it.

I saw Dori, Dennis and Bubba before the show and had a chance to say goodbye to them and thank them for all that they'd done for me the past 3 weeks. They were all so wonderful.

The show itself was great, although as it went on it was increasingly bittersweet, as I knew that each interaction was probably going to be my last.

Cher waved and pointed at me during ISHFWILF, during Shoop Shoop and then at the very end, after she'd finished Believe, she came right down to where I was at looked straight at me and gave me about 5 goodbye waves as I started to cry.

I threw a beautiful sailors hat I called "Butterflies" up for Turn Back Time which she saw straight away and said "Oh this is spectacular" and then went looking at the others, but came back to mine and said "I don't think its going to fit on my hair" but she wore it anyway!!! It looked fantastic too! The boys who caught the hat were so lovely to give it back to me at the end, such a great bonus.

After she went off stage at the end of TBT, and Patti and Stacey come to the front of the stage for their bit, they both came past and gave me big waves and "I Love You's", I was saying thank you, and blowing them kisses.

When the music for Believe started up I was so sad, the last song I'd ever see Cher sing live. I couldn't dance I was so sad. Patti and Stacey kept looking at me and trying to get me to smile but I just couldn't. When Cher sang "Its so sad that you're leaving, it takes time to believe this" I started to cry.

Right at the end after Cher had gone off, Patti and Stacey were really great, waving goodbye and saying I love You and taking my kisses that I was blowing at them. Those girls are so sweet and they helped make my tour experience so much fun. From the show counts every night to the waves, taking my little gifts and stuff, I'm going to miss that interaction with them so much.

And then it was over and I didn't know what to do, I was crying so much, sounds silly I know, but its been a whole 3 weeks of tour and so many awesome experiences and meeting everyone and hanging out with them. It's just been magical, truly amazing. I don't think I'll ever get to do this again in my lifetime, certainly not like this anyway.

I hate to say this, but for all you folks that have been doing this for the past 3 years, if you go to the last show/s, its tough watching the end, knowing that its really the end, the last time.

Be strong, enjoy it, lap it up for your memories. Most of all, love it with all your hearts. It's incredibly special.

This is my final post for Cher's Australian Tour section of my site, I hope you enjoyed my stories.

David xx
Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Cher & The Fans Gift Book 

# posted by head blogger @ 2:38 pm

Oh wow, what can I say??

After weeks of anticipation in regards to getting the book to Cher, tonight Dori and Dennis came and got me during the Village People’s set and took me backstage.

I was waiting back there for about 15 mins with Donna looking after me and Dennis coming by every couple of minutes to make sure I was ok.

They explained that I was going to be the last meet and greet of the evening before she went on and that she wasn’t going to be able to sign anything I bought with me (not that I really cared), just to be able to give her the book.

So the girls from Russia went in before me and they were lovely, I saw them as they were leaving and they were all so excited and sweet.

Next thing Cher came through the doorway and turned to me. She said “Hi there, how are you?? Nice to see you! I see you every night you know!!!” I could’ve just about died right there and then.

I thanked her again for such a great tour and for coming here etc, and then I gave her the Cher Connection shirt (thanks Sue!). I explained who the group was and that the members have recently gotten the shirts made to wear about the place and that she will probably see them when she gets back to the US at some of the shows there. She loved the shirt!

Next up I gave her the book. She was so blown away by it.

I was explaining to her how it came to be and just in general about all the stuff that it had in it, she was scanning the pages so quickly and saying “oh my god, this is so great, so great, I love it, its gorgeous, I love it thank you” as she was looking through it, she didn’t spend a lot of time reading any individual pages yet as we didn’t have a lot of time, but I am so sure that she will read it cover to cover the first chance she gets.

She gave me the biggest hug of my life, I thought she was going to crack a rib, it was so wonderful, she is incredibly loving and generous and affectionate.

Then we posed for photos that Ebar took, 2 great pics. For the second pic she started resting her head against mine near the crook of my neck and I started to shake, I just couldn’t help it, she was so close and hugging me so hard.

She said goodbye with one final hug and squeeze, I wished her well for tonight’s show, she asked if I would be in Sydney and I of course said yes, she seemed real happy about that.

I have to thank a few people especially for helping this to happen.

Bubba - who originally took a chance on me and took the book backstage to show Dori.

Dori – for showing Roger Davies and others close to Cher and then for making it all happen for me tonight.

Dennis – for helping along the way and passing on messages and finding out details for me and de-stressing me

Donna for taking such good care of me when I was back there.

Cher for being so gracious and generous with her time in allowing me to give her the book personally.

And most of all, to every single person who contributed their stories and experiences to the book. You are the book and I’m sure before long Cher will know all of your stories by heart. Thank you so much for being a part of it.

David xx
Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Adelaide show was awesome! 

# posted by head blogger @ 3:31 pm
hey all

Adelaide show last night was so great, crowd was loud and really into it. No changes to the set list from the previous shows (no The Power).

In the monologue, after she spoke about Christina, J-Lo, Britney and co all being a bunch of ho's, she went on to mention Paris Hilton. Cher said that she is one twisted sister!!! Too funny!!

I'm getting a bit sad as its only 2 more shows now to go and this has all been so wonderful. These Adelaide shows I'm with my friend Sue and staying with her which has been wonderful. I love going to shows with big fans, gives it that extra edge I think!!

Tonights show is less than 6 hours away and already I'm excited!!! Only for Cher!!! hehe

Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Yay!! Adelaide shows tonight and tomorrow night!! 

# posted by head blogger @ 1:03 pm
Can't wait!! I'm hopefully meeting Cher again to give her the book that I wrote, not sure what night yet but as soon as I know I'll try and post what happened!!

Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Pam Roberts 

# posted by head blogger @ 2:46 pm
I just got word today that one of my best Cher buddies, Pam Roberts lost her battle with cancer over the weekend in the US. I can't tell you how sad I am about this, she was always so lovely, a dedicated fan and just a wonderful person.

Pam, I'll miss you, your great friendship, our phone calls and emails. Rest up in heaven, honey, make the angels take care of you.

Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Oz: Fans turn up for their Cher 

# posted by head blogger @ 2:12 pm

Fans turn up for their Cher
Noel Mengel 12mar05

NEVER mind the spectacle, dance routines and costume changes, what you will really want to know is how Cher looked.

And at show number 308 on her three-year Farewell tour, Cher is looking better than anyone who had their first hit 40 years ago has any right to.

Soon after arriving on stage last night at the first of two nights at the Brisbane Entertainment Centre, Cher promised there definitely would be no comebacks.

To say goodbye, she delivered a set that ranged from a disco version of U2's I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For all the way back for a medley of early hits All I Really Want To Do and Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves.

Despite the demands of this tour, the voice is also in fine shape and even with only a few shows to go before she finally does say goodbye, she still radiates energy and personality.

Tonight's second Brisbane show is number 309 on the marathon goodbye tour, and Australia is the last stop before one final hometown show in Los Angeles.

The Australian leg wraps up in Sydney next Friday after 12 Australian concerts to more than 100,000 fans.

Source: The Courier Mail
Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Oz: Brisbane show review 

# posted by head blogger @ 11:15 am
God what a great show tonight was! The crowd was the best we've had all tour, everyone was so pumped before the show started and didn’t let us down once the show got going.

The set list was the same as the last 2 shows, no The Power, but the rest was just magic.

Patti counted down the shows with me to NUMBER 8!!!!

Char waved at me as she came down on the chandelier and then gave me a pinky wave during All Or Nothing after I gave her the I Love You sign.

For Turn Back Time I was praying that someone was throwing a hat to her but no-one did so I threw mine to her, landed right at her feet. It was my tour hat, it had been with me for 9 shows! She looked hot in it strutting around. Although I was kind of sad that I didn’t get it back some people I met said they got some pics of it and also the crowd loved it so much. And they deserved it for being so great too. I was disappointed that I didn’t get it back but I know it would’ve made someone really happy but I also needed to remind myself that I’ve had a great tour and the hat whilst having sentimental value doesn’t matter in the general scheme of things.

I haven’t seen a crowd that up for it since Vancouver so that was awesome.

Met so many cool people, Anne from Denmark, Sam from Brisbane, the ladies from Brisbane and the guys from San Francisco. You guys rocked tonight!!!

Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Oz: Newcastle Review 

# posted by head blogger @ 4:03 pm
Hi all

I just got back from Newcastle and all I can say is "What a great show!". It was possibly the best I've seen so far, Cher was in great spirits and voice, very playful and fun.

Pre show I did a live radio interview with Maynard from Newcastle's ABC Radio 1233 which I'll try and post here for your listening pleasure!

But onto the show itself. The crowd let us down (yet again) with the folks down the front refusing to dance even after Cher gave everyone permission in her monologue that it would be ok to do so. I suspect that she is learning that Australian crowds are far more reserved than those in other parts of the world, I'm hoping that she says that its ok to dance now at every show to help the crowds along a bit.

For Turn Back Time a couple of guys from Sydney threw sailors hats as is tradition which caught the ire of the security team. This in turn caught the ire of Cher who went off at the security guard and scowled at him for being nasty to them. A memorable tour moment, she was not happy at all.

My friend Candi Stratton came to the show as Cher with me which was an absolute hoot. People didn't know which way to look as we walked through the crowd, and Candi made some new friends along the way. During the Village People's YMCA track, they showed Candi up on the jumbotron (screens) doing all the moves and being hot and fabulous.

Cher remarked during her monologue that she can see everyone on her monitor backstage, even the impersonator whilst looking straight at Candi!! What a great moment!

At the end of Turn Back Time a few people left and this opened up a front row seat for Candi next to the Sydney boys that threw the hats. They were sweet enough to get her and let her stay with them and as Cher was saying goodbye at the end Cher motioned for Candi to reach out so she could touch her hand! Just fabulous and I think I may have gotten a photo of it too. Security wasn't so tight last night and I managed to get a roll of film which I'll get developed shortly.

Saw Bubba before the show and he was so sweet, came over and said hi to Candi and I and took some pics with some other fans, he really is lovely!

After the show we bumped into Claire de Lune and some of her local friends and went back to their house for Champagne and a good chat about all things Cher. Adam and Damien were lovely, Andrew as well and the two boys from Sydney whos names escape me now - thank you for a lovely evening after the show.

Candi and I retired back to the hotel afterwards and talked for a bit before a great sleep. Then we checked out, had breakfast and I caught the train whilst she headed to the airport for her flight back to Melbourne.

A very wonderful trip, thoroughly enjoyed it! Off to Brisbane tomorrow!!!

Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Off to Newcastle for show #7 

# posted by head blogger @ 11:30 am
So I leave in a few hours to go to Newcastle for the 7th Aussie show.

This one is in a small venue just north of Sydney. Venue capacity is about 6000 people - completely sold out too!!!

I'm meeting my friend Candi Stratton who is Australia's leading Cher impersonator for this show. That's right - I'm going to Cher with Cher!!! hehehe

Should be a hoot!!!

I'll post a review tomorrow!!

Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Sydney: 3rd Show review 

# posted by head blogger @ 2:34 pm
Cher was great last night even though the crowd was a little flat. I think a lot of people were coming off a party weekend and Sydney crowds are notoriously fickle. I had a ball even though I was quite tired and sat for a lot of the show. We all got up and danced from Shoop Shoop onwards but before that most of the crowd sat which seemed to bemuse Cher somewhat.

Patti counted the number of shows that I've seen at the beginning which was cute!! I love the interaction between them and the crowd, they are so much fun!

Cher didn't sing The Power last night which was a shame but she did Walking In Memphis which is becoming a favourite of mine, I really like it a lot. Highlight last night for me was Strong Enough, it never fails to get me up and moving about, surely a tour standout performance.

No photos last night as I had 2 security guards right in front of me all night. Hoping to get some as the tour progresses, I've really only taken about 15 or so the whole tour.

Newcastle show on Wednesday night with my dear friend Candi Stratton which should be an absolute hoot! We've booked a hotel room so Candi can go to the show as Cher, I'm expecting mayhem all over!!!!

Then Brisbane on Friday for 2 shows and to see my friend Derryn and go to Big Gay Day with Candi and Matt. What a week this should be!!

David x
Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Sydney: Review 

# posted by head blogger @ 4:41 pm
Cher,Entertainment Centre
Reviewed by Bernard Zuel
March 5, 2005

"The gayest show in town" ... Cher puts on a sparkling performance for her loyal fans. Photo: Domino Postiglione

Cher, Entertainment Centre, March 3

Riddle me this, Batman. Let's say you attend a Super 12 match this weekend, having paid top dollar for the privilege, and come expecting an 80-minute game as normal. Instead, the players intermittently appear on the field, for less than half a match in total, and the rest of the time is filled with the big screen playing footage from previous games and on-field entertainment is provided by marching bands and gymnasts.

Methinks you might be a tad annoyed and even exploited. Certainly it's the kind of thing a certain former top rugby coach might rail against in one of his on-air sermons about the folks from Struggle Street being treated with contempt.

Now let's say you pay hundreds of dollars to see one of your favourite performers and get a 90-minute show in which there are only 15 musical numbers - one of them a medley of four songs. The songs rarely go beyond three minutes and even then for a number of them she isn't on stage for the whole song. The long, long periods between appearances are filled with footage from old TV shows and dancers and acrobats on stage.

Wouldn't you feel cheated just a little bit? Wouldn't you be demanding something worth the money? Oh no, not this audience. Up on their feet they were - including a certain former top rugby coach - lapping it up and demanding an encore.

And it had started promisingly, too. Well, once you got past the traducing of I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For, which began the night as Cher was revealed descending on a giant chandelier, dressed in ermine and glitter. In a long monologue Cher was wry and amusing, declaring this the "gayest show in town" and gently mocking herself.

And when the next song (several minutes of on-screen filler later) featured a high camp elephant out of whose backside Cher emerged, it began to feel like a cross between Mardi Gras and an old school variety show.

Then she didn't speak for another hour, her foghorn singing voice began to grate.

Her best material - Half Breed; Gypsies, Tramps And Thieves; Dark Lady - was wrapped up and thrown away in a medley and all the time the most enjoyable fare was coming from the screen.

But hey, what's the problem? Great show, eh? Fabulous, darling. So much glitter. So much movement. More. More.

Cher plays again on Monday and on March 18

Source: Sydney Morning Herald
Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Cher Meet & Greet (with pics) 

# posted by head blogger @ 11:36 am
So just to bring you up to speed, I won a Cher meet & greet and went backstage before the show on Thursday night.

My friend Nick came with me, we were so nervous before the show. We were supposed to go backstage at 8.15pm but we didn't end up getting back there until about 8.30 and then as everything was running so late, we didn't actually get to see Cher until just after 9pm. It was heaps of fun hanging backstage anyway seeing what goes on back there, it was crazy, people everywhere,

When we arrived we were told no autographs and that we'd get a picture taken. Lucy who was working for Michael Coppel doing the meet and greets had bought a disposable camera for the job, but I persuaded her to use my 5MP digital camera instead which everyone agreed with.

As we were standing there waiting it gave me a chance to stop and reflect on the last week and what was about to happen, and to be honest, most of my nerves were gone when we finally got the go ahead to go into the room where Cher was waiting for us.

We walked in and I was gobsmacked by how cute and gorgeous she looked. She was making some wisecracks about how the show is fun and stupid and that we'd all enjoy it. My friends Andrew and Adam went first, Cher told them to come closer for the pics and that she wouldn't bite them which we laughed at.

Then Karen had her go and gave Cher some beautiful gifts, a champagne glass and a mug which had been inscribed.

Then it was Nick and my turn. I walked over to her with a big bunch of Casablanca Lillies and a card. As soon as she saw the flowers she exclaimed "Oh my god, they are beautiful, I love these, they're my favourites". Then she looked directly at me and said "But I guess you already knew that huh??", which I thought was so cute of her. She also asked how she'd know who they were from so I told her that there was a card with my name with them as well. She asked Deb to come and take them and to make sure that they went back with them to the hotel after the show. I was so happy.

Then as we were standing with her I thanked her for coming to Australia, for such a fabulous show and for just being herself.

It was all so fast and so wonderful.

A dream came true for me when I met Cher, something I always believed would happen and something that I'm very grateful for. I know so many fans don't always get the chance to do what I did so I count my lucky stars and thank my Cher Angels for looking after me so well.

I hope you like the pictures!!!!

A fabulous night that was too!!!

Thank you to everyone who's sent me well wishes and who believed in my dream and supported that. It was a very special moment and I know you all contributed to the universe throwing this at me. I'm very thankful.

David x
Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Oz: Update from me! 

# posted by head blogger @ 10:41 am
Wow - what can I say???

The last week has been amazing. I'm back in Sydney now, just had a massive sleep in my own bed which was great!!!

So I'll backtrack a little to bring you all up to date.

Monday I slept late and didn't do a lot, met up with Derryn, my new Cher tour friend. He's a big fan like me who is going to nearly all the shows. We went and had some food and went ten pin bowling which was great. Another late night having Cher discussions and all that!

Tuesday I had some errands to run and some work stuff to do which was a nice diversion back to the real world (NOT!) hahahaa. Whilst I was in a lunch meeting, Bubba called about the show later that night. He was calling to ask me to bring the book that I wrote for Cher to Rod Laver that night. He wasn't sure what would happen, but suggested that it might be the night that the book went back to Cher, either from him or Doriana, or even possibly me. That sent me into such a spin, but I rushed about getting wrapping paper and a card to finish the book up ready for Cher.

Derryn came and hung out with me prior to heading off to Rod Laver, we were both excited as anything, I was soo nervous, just in case!

At Rod Laver I couldn't stand still, and at the appointed time I was on the side where security was chatting with the security guy that I'd met the other night. He was such a great person, he gave me the run sheet (set list) for the Tuesday night show once it was done, very sweet.

Next thing I know Bubba was there saying hi and then he introduced me to Doriana. She's very sweet and very pretty. My heart was beating so fast and I was so nervous, told her so and giggled and that seemed to help. She said that they loved the book, Cher hadn't seen it yet but that Roger Davies who is Cher's manager loved it too and thought I should be the one to give it to her. Dori explained that they wanted to do it that night but that itwas so crazy backstage with 24 other people that night and asked if I'd mind if it happened later in the tour. She said I'd have more time if we did it in Adelaide so I happily agreed. So the book will be given to Cher in Adelaide, not sure yet which show.

Dori and I spoke for a bit longer, it was such a blur as well, but I remember how sweet and genuine she was, just how lovely she was. Hopefully I'll get to see her again and talk to her a bit more. Of course I thanked her for coming and for such a great show.

She and Bubba left to go get ready for the show, I floated away outside to try and calm down again!!!

The show itself was amazing Tuesday night, Cher seemed like she was in a such a great mood, really chatty and peppy!! She worked the stage and the crowd in the opening song, pointing at people, winking and waving. I got a couple of looks too! Patti and Stacey were so excited to see me down in the front row again, they laughed and waved.

During Cher's monologue there was a group of rowdy boys off to my left that she pointed to and said that she thought they might be trouble, and then she looked right at me and pointed and said "and I know you're trouble!". So she knows who I am and that I'm about the place!!!

The rest of the show was a blur again, I couldn't take any pics as the security was being really horrible, but thats their job so I can wear that.

She cut out Walking In Memphis which I was sad about, and when I saw the run sheet I could see that she'd planned to but I could tell that she was getting tired towards the end.

She nearly picked my glitter hat for Turn Back Time but spotted another one that had a koala on it which she wore instead, so one of her CCA kidlets will get the glitter one no doubt which is great!!

At the end of Believe she came past and touched our hands again, she was so wonderful. I'm still coming to terms with just how generous she is being with us, its beyond my wildest dreams.

After the show Derryn and I went cruising about, had some dinner and spoke to Bubba on the phone.

Yesterday we flew up to Sydney and as luck would have it I was on the same flight as all the crew and dancers etc. That was a bit weird. Everyone said hi as they recognised me which was lovely of them.

Tonight is the first Sydney show, I wonder what surprises she has in store for us tonight?? I'm so excited about the meet and greet with my friend Nick, also meeting my friend Sue from Adelaide and to top it all off, Mum is sitting with me tonight in the 3rd row so its going to be a massive show all round.

So I should run, have lots to do today, have t get the flowers etc and get ready. I'm so nervous that I don't think I'll be able to eat until its all over. I'll post tomorrow about the show and the meet and greet, as much as I can remember anyway.

David x
Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Melbourne: Tour pics 

# posted by head blogger @ 10:39 am
Some great tour pics from the guys at Undercover.com.au - one of Australia's leading music sites!

See the photo's here!

Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

OMG!!!!! I'm meeting CHER!!!!! 

# posted by head blogger @ 12:00 pm
I got word yesterday that I was selected as the winner in the New Mardi Gras Meet Cher competition.

As you can well imagine I am beside myself with excitement! It's happening on Thursday before the show in Sydney. Nick is coming with me as we had a deal that whoever won would take the other person (if we won of course).

The entry was that you had to be a member of New Mardi Gras and then explain in 50 words or less why it should be you who goes backstage to meet her. My entry is below:

"I’ve been a fan for 17 years (I’m 29 now) and have especially loved her attitude to life. This helped me as I was growing up to deal with being gay, standing up for myself, pursuing my dreams. I’d love the opportunity to thank her for her courage and inspiration."

I understand that I'll get a minute or two with her, enough time to say hi and get a photo and some stuff signed, so it going to be very fast but very exciting!!

I'll post more later on!!

David x

Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Monday, February 28, 2005

Review: Another amazing show 

# posted by head blogger @ 1:53 pm
WEll guys it just gets better and better, I'm having a blast!

Cher waved at me as she was coming down on the chandelier to start with. At the end of Turn back Time she practically passed me the sailors hat that my friends had made (which I gavce back to them of course!)

I did manage to get some photos last night on my still camera so not sure yet how they've turned out, hoping to get more tomorrow night.

I've been hanging out with some new and old friends which is lots of fun, too many late nights already but having a blast.

Oh and I touched Cher's hand again last night after Believe!

David x
Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Melbourne: Dazzling Chandelier 

# posted by head blogger @ 1:47 pm
Dazzling chandelier part of Cher's bathroom
Nui Te Koha

SUPERSTAR Cher's long goodbye rolled into farewell No. 2 at Rod Laver Arena last night.

Cher, 58, is retiring permanently from the concert stage to let the pop tarts take the spotlight.

In her second Melbourne show -- gig No. 302 of a three-year world tour -- she stayed on message.

She ascended, in a full-length fur coat in a chandelier, to a $3 million production of trapeze, acrobats, jungle creatures and dazzling costumes.

The chandelier is from a bathroom in her Los Angeles mansion, Cher revealed.

"I looked at it one day and thought: 'It would be really cool if I came down in that'," Cher told the Herald Sun.

"I didn't even know if it would scare me. I'd never done anything at great heights, so I never knew."

Cher's show set a cracking pace, covering four decades of hits and memories in 90 minutes.

Her voice is still strong after so much time on tour.

Highlights included a soulful reading of All I Really Want To Do and the disco-tastic Take Me Home.

Believe, the comeback club track that catapulted Cher into Y2K, was an appropriate closer.

Source: Melbourne Herald Sun
Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Melbourne: Cher's Spectacle 

# posted by head blogger @ 1:42 pm
Cher's spectacle
Review by Martin Jones
From: The Australian

Spectacle ... Cher belts out the tunes in Melbourne.

I'M not qualified to comment on Cher's choice of costumes (and the drag-loving diva spent at least as much time changing into them as she did displaying them), but many of her musical choices for this, the first of her Australian farewell shows, were downright disappointing.

Why, for example, open a farewell tour with U2's I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For - surely if you still hadn't found it, you'd keep looking instead of bowing out?
Of course, Cher's finale was always going to be more of a spectacle than, well, whatever the aural equivalent of a spectacle is. After the Village People got everyone up and dancing to YMCA, video screens reeled past Cher television footage and album covers. The screens periodically blared an exhaustive education in Cher's career, entertaining us, along with Cirque du Soleil-style acrobats/dancers, during the costume changes.

When actually on stage, Cher looked breathtakingly glamorous and eerily well preserved. Descending from the ceiling in a giant chandelier, she stripped off a white fur number to reveal herself wearing little more than strategically placed rhinestones.

Unfortunately, Cher left the video footage to speak for her for the most part, being too busy elevating through trapdoors, riding in mechanical elephants and wriggling into the next outrageous costume.

Musical highlights were a medley of Cher's earliest hits, All I Want To Do, Half Breed and Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves, The Shoop Shoop Song (It's In His Kiss) and the double whammy of Strong Enough and If I Could Turn Back Time featuring a slightly more modest version of that outfit.

But the true musical low-point was Cher claiming Elvis Presley as her first true hero, and then honouring him not with one of Presley's own gems, but with her version of the atrocious 1991 Marc Cohn song (Who? Exactly!) Walking in Memphis.

For the encore, Believe, Cher descended from above again, this time in something like a mirror-tiled toilet bowl, wearing a silver jump suit and red hair with acrobats twirling from silver hoops and silver streamers and confetti ejaculating over the audience. Phew!

So farewell, Cher! You can add one more achievement to your considerable CV; tonight you proved that a pop concert need not rely on music to be effective.

Source: The Australian
Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

OMG - that was the BEST show EVER!!! 

# posted by head blogger @ 11:39 pm
Cher touched my hand - wore hy hat and said "Follow this you bitches" right to me!!!!

I could die it was so great!!!!

Everything about the show was amazing, so great! My seat was fabulous, Cher looked stunning and was in a great mood, she was so talkative and lovely.

She performed The Power which she'd never done anywhere else on this tour!

Met lots of fans and cool people. So many were coming up after the show to me and talking to me and just saying how much fun they had and how cool it was that she touched my hand at the end and wore my hat!!!

When cher saw my Australiana hat she looked at it and went what is this and saw the koalas and Aussie flag and the crowd raoared when she put it on.

I couldn't take any pictures as the security was so tight but I'll try and shows coming up.


The most fabulous experience of my whole life!

David xx
Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Oz: Right up singer's alley 

# posted by head blogger @ 3:47 pm
Source: Melbourne Herald Sun

Right up singer's alley
Luke Dennehy 26 feb 05

CHER landed in Melbourne in a private jet this week accompanied by a party of 100 -- and one of the first things she did was go bowling. Sources said Cher's minders thought up the diversion while she prepared for her first concert tonight.

Cher, 58, arrived on Thursday with her huge touring party from New Zealand, where she impressed everybody with the scale of her farewell performance.

While in New Zealand she looked at property, and could do the same here. She will spend today at Melbourne Park doing sound checks.

She will do three shows in Melbourne, the last on Tuesday night before heading around the country.

She will also return to Adelaide.

The last time she was there was for the 1990 Grand Prix, where she was heavily criticised for miming three songs and not making any effort with her costumes.

At the time she said she would never return to Australia.

But things have changed -- and the Living Proof tour is full of elaborate costumes and dramatic entrances that will make up for 1990.

She will be supported on her Australian tour by old friends, the Village People. They arrived in Australia yesterday morning and spent the day in their hotel rooms recovering from jet lag.
Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Oz: less than 6 hours to go!! 

# posted by head blogger @ 3:14 pm
OMG!!! So it's just about here!!!! In less than 6 hours Cher will take to the stage of the Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne for the first of 12 sold out shows across Australia!!!

I am trying to stay calm but a few times this morning have found myself squealing spontaneously as I've thought about what I'm about to experience!! It's hard to believe that it's even happening, and I don't think I'm really going to believe it until I see her up on the chandelier - and then I'm sure all hell will break lose!!!

I've got my fingers crossed that the crowd is good, that they are up for it and get into it. I'm front row centre for all the Melbourne shows so I'm really hoping that I can stand up without getting hassled.

Even though I know where Cher is staying here in Melbourne I've been really good and not gone and hung out by the hotel. As some of you know I made Cher a book that I'm hoping to give to her personally at some point on the tour, so I may have missed some chances to do that already, once the publicity starts I guess she'll be just that little bit harder to find or get to. But keep your fingers crossed for me.

There was a couple of good write ups in the Melbourne Herald Sun newspaper today which I'll try and post here for you all to read, and of course I expect that most of the Sunday papers and news reports will contain something about the tour kicking off tonight.

Thank you to everyone who's SMS'd and phoned to wish me luck and lots of enjoyment over the tour, its really appreciated.

Well, here goes, I've got to finish getting ready then I'm heading off to Rod Laver shortly, I'll post as soon as the show is finished and just what happened. I hope to get some photos and some other little suprises, so keep checking back here over the coming weeks for all the latest updates!!!

Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Oz: The last time - or not? 

# posted by head blogger @ 3:26 pm
The last time - or not?
February 25, 2005

Cher Photo: Reuters

Cher's appeal extends beyond even the physical to her enduring hits, writes Michael Dwyer.

Something Cher said onstage in Auckland this week sounded ominously familiar. It wasn't that bit about Britney Spears and J-Lo being "hos", although similar sentiments have doubtless been echoing between plasticised starlets for generations.

No, it was her anatomically precise explanation to 20,000 New Zealanders as to why they would never see her onstage again. "My boobs would be down to my kneecaps and I would be toothless," she said, conjuring a future that sounded strangely improbable for a woman in her medical insurance bracket. Searching under "toothless fibbers" in my interview archives, sure enough, I found this quote from Gene Simmons on the eve of Kiss' greatly hyped Farewell Tour of 2001. "Hopefully with dignity left intact, we'll get off the stage," he assured me. "You know, while we've still got teeth in our heads."

Cher and Simmons were once an item, you know. And with the great Phil Spector, she once recorded a song called I Love You, Ringo under the name of Bonnie Jo Mason. She won an Oscar for Moonstruck, made a music video starkers except for a couple of strands of electrical tape, and gave the world the ultimate karaoke duet, I Got You Babe, with future Republican senator Sonny Bono.

It's impossible to say what order these things came in, because the linear yardstick of ageing is more like an Escher doodle in Cher's case. Unless she's had her kneecaps raised, the boobs to which she drew Auckland's attention on Monday are unlikely to have inched closer to them since the 1970s. A set of dentures would appear to be the least of her worries.

Counting Kiss, Kylie, Bette Midler and the Commonwealth Games opening celebrations, it's hard to imagine that Melbourne will witness a more fantastic arena spectacular this year than Cher with the Village People. Forty years of smash hits. A dozen costume changes. A hundred people. Cowboys and Indians. If Cher retired this afternoon, would it make that much difference?

WHERE Rod Laver Arena
WHEN Tomorrow (sold out), Sunday, Tuesday
HOW MUCH $95-$495 plus booking fee
DETAILS Tel: 132 849;

Source: The Age
Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

I'm on tour!! 

# posted by head blogger @ 6:57 pm
Officially started for me this afternoon when I left work, I'm flying down to Melbourne shortly!!!

I can't wait!!! See you at the shows!!!

David x
Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Oz: 3 More Sleeps! 

# posted by head blogger @ 7:33 am
Hard to believe I know but Cher is just 3 sleeps away from opening her practically SOLD OUT Australian tour!! I am beside myself with excitement!!

The set list we heard about initially has turned out to be false if the set lists reported from Christchurch are any indication - no Love Medley, no Song For The Lonely, no Heart of Stone, no Jesse James.

But even still, the reviews have been great, Cher seems to be really energised and determined to go out with a huge bang downunder!!

I believe that Cher will be arriving in Australia later today, and I fly to Melbourne tomorrow. I get the books tonight that I made for her and can't wait to get down there for the start of my Cher Tour!

I'll be posting all the news, my own reviews and stories from the shows and a selection (I hope) of photos from the shows as well.

Hang on kids cause this is going to be one hell of a ride!!!

Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

NZ: Stunning, energetic show leaves audience breathless 

# posted by head blogger @ 7:23 am
Stunning, energetic show leaves audience breathless

23 February 2005

This was an absolutely stunning show and probably one of the best concerts an audience anywhere could hope to see.

The lights, acrobatic dances, 12 costume changes and heaps of hits from five decades of recording, TV, theatre and film came thick and fast making for an energetic show that left the audience breathless.

So far the show has been seen by nearly 3 million fans worldwide. Cher may be through with touring but she's making her farewell a party to remember.

First things first - for those 'supergigs' everyone who did not go wants to know if it was worth it, secretly hoping that it wasn't. Well folks, the bad news is that if you weren't there you missed out big time.

Despite the overlong delay at the start, the comments I heard around at the end embraced most of the superlatives you care to mention, with 'worth every cent' cropping up fairly regularly, as well as 'fantastic'.

After so long on the road (the tour is now in its fourth year) Cher could be forgiven for being a little jaded but not a bit of it. The whole show felt like it was a new one right out of the box.The routines and sheer physical demands would flatten most mere mortals but Cher sailed right through it all, belting out the sogs her legions of fans have come to love.

The early stuff featured from I Got You Babe and Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves, right through to the more up-to-date Believe, I Found Someone, and If I Could Turn Back Time.

Old clips of the days with Sonny along with Cher's movie highlights and television interviews completed the picture of this versatile artist.

If Cher really is intending this as her absolute farewell tour, then there can be no more spectacular way for this 'woman on a mission' to say goodbye to her millions of fans around the globe.

It may be her farewell tour in New Zealand but say goodbyes are not in Cher's nature. After five decades in the spotlight, she still belted out her old favourites and latest hits with all the verve and nerve she showed when she first came to attention in the 1960s and '70s via her songs and The Sonny and Cher Show.

[From The Press in Christchurch, with thanks to p4c from the Cher.com forums for retyping the print version.]
Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

NZ: No sad goodbyes from dazzling Cher 

# posted by head blogger @ 7:20 am

No sad goodbyes from dazzling Cher


It may be her farewell tour in New Zealand but sad goodbyes are not in Cher's nature. The queen of camp dazzled her audience at the Westpac Centre with myriad costume changes and special effects last night.

With five decades in the spotlight, Cher belted out her old favourites and latest hits, with all the verve and nerve she showed when she first came to attention in the 1960s and '70s via her songs and The Sonny and Cher Show.
Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Monday, February 21, 2005

NZ: Set list from Auckland show 

# posted by head blogger @ 12:00 pm
Source: Cherworld Forums

1. I stiill havent found what Im looking for
2. One by One
3. Taxi Taxi
4. Love is the groove
5. Love One Another
6. All or Nothing
7. I found someone
8. Bang Bang
9. All I really wana do
10. Half breed
11. Gypsies, tramps and thieves
12. Dark Lady
13. Take me home
14. After All
15. Just Like Jesse James
16. Heart of Stone
17. Shoop Shoop Song
18. Dov' Lamore
19. Strong Enough
20. Turn Back Time
21. Believe

Now if that turns out to be true, I will just die!!! I love Taxi Taxi!!! And whilst some will be sad that The Way Of Love is missing, I saw it in New York in 2003 so that doesn't bother me so much. The set list if its true looks fantastic!

Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

NZ: Cher turns back time 

# posted by head blogger @ 10:48 am
Source: Herald Sun

Nui Te Koha
21 feb 05

CHER has started the long goodbye to her Australasian fans as only she can -- with the biggest show in town.

Cher, 58, opened the Down Under leg of her tour in Auckland last night, with an energetic 2 1/2-hour performance and compelling retrospective of 40 years in the spotlight.

Cher abandoned her usual entrance -- descending from a giant chandelier -- because it was too windy at Auckland's outdoor North Shore stadium.

Instead, Cher ascended to centre stage, full of sparkle and attitude.

"I'm not going to give up show business, but there are new girls coming up like Britney and J-Lo," Cher said.

The 20,000-strong crowd booed in response. "I know," Cher said, joking: "They are hoes, aren't they?"

When the Living Proof farewell tour rolls into Melbourne on Saturday, it will rank as one of the biggest indoor productions to visit Australia.

Cher has 100 tour personnel, including an assistant for personal wellness.

She opens her Australian tour with three Rod Laver Arena dates, from Saturday.
Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

NZ: Cher unfurls fine voice 

# posted by head blogger @ 7:15 am
Source: NZ Herald

Cher unfurls fine voice

Cher was in fine voice for the Auckland leg of one of the music world's longest goodbyes. Picture / Dean Purcell

by Peter Calder

*Who: Cher
*Where: North Harbour Stadium

It was an anthemic rendition of U2's I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For that the artist known as Cher opened with last night.

Pausing to say hello, she told us her first NZ show was a farewell because "all these young girls are coming up now".

Names were mentioned - Britney Spears and JLo. We took the point, if we hadn't already. This is a woman in a different league, who has had hits in every decade since the 60s. We didn't need to waste time wondering whether Spears will be packing stadiums in the 2040s.

Ushering in what she called "the Cherest show on Earth", Cher vanished for the first of at least eight complete costume changes which would underline the fact that this grandmother - she'll be 59 in May - has always been remarkable less for what she does than for how well she dresses up to do it.

In fact, anyone who was running a stopwatch over the show might find that the star was on stage for not much more than half of it. The bits in between, concocted mainly to allow time for the wardrobe team to do its work, were occupied by an endless and sometimes tedious library of video clips, some moderately talented dancers and a few Cirque du Soleil-style turns which were, to be frank, slightly tawdry.

Cher has always had the ability to hijack and reinvent kitsch in a way that infuses it with class: that's perhaps why she's so popular with the constituency of "flamboyant gentlemen" she specifically welcomed last night. For others on stage, it was not so effortless.

The same might be said of the seven-piece band, conscientious but scarcely inspired stadium rockers led by bombastic guitarist David Barry. But the woman herself was in fine voice, unfurling that ethereal contralto - equal parts endless longing and seductive promise - to great effect. More than a dozen songs covered all but the earliest part of the career while a dozen more - in a compendium approach doubtless designed to please everyone - did service for only a verse or two as part of medleys.

The carefully choreographed 100-minute show has apparently changed little over the almost 300 gigs in this longest of goodbyes. If it lacked even a trace of spontaneity or warmth, it certainly made for a night of spectacle which diverted the attention from what really are rather indifferent songs (would you stop to listen to Believe sung by someone else?). It was the night of the singer, not the song. We'll not see her like again.

Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February &amp;amp; 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Kiwis host Cher on tour 

# posted by head blogger @ 10:40 pm
By Jonathon Moran
20-02-2005 From: AAP

ICONIC songstress Cher tonight kicked off the Australasian leg of her world tour, playing to 20,000 fans in Auckland.

The 56-year-old singer/actor performed her Farewell Tour, singing her hits from I've Got You Babe of the 1960s to Believe from the '90s.
"This is my last tour and I'm really happy that I came here," Cher told the crowd.

"I'm not going to give up show business but I'm going to give up touring because you know there are all of these young girls coming out like Britney and J-Lo," to which the crowd boo-ed.

"I know," she said, "They are ho's, aren't they?"

Tonight's show was Cher's 299th performance of her Farewell Tour.

She will play in Christchurch on Tuesday before her first Australian show in more than 10 years at Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne on February 26.

But the singer won't be leaving the Kiwis for long.

So in love with the South Pacific, Cher said she was looking for a house in New Zealand.

She will take a private helicopter trip tomorrow over New Zealand's Bay of Islands to check out possible locations.

She will arrive in Melbourne on Wednesday and perform three dates there before taking in four shows in Sydney, one in Newcastle, two in Brisbane and two in Adelaide.

With seventies music group the Village People supporting, her last ever touring performance will be in Adelaide on March 16.

The $US3 million production is now in its fourth year and has been seen by almost three million fans.

The show covers Cher's hits from five decades in recording, television, theatre and film with the help of a company of 100 people.

It involves 12 costume changes and features the hits Gypsies Tramps and Thieves, Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down), I Found Someone and If I Could Turn Back Time.

Cher said The Farewell Tour would be her last because she did not want to go on performing when she would be too old to walk.

"My boobs would be down to my kneecaps and I would be toothless coming out (on stage)," Cher said tonight.

"So I don't think it is really a good idea."
Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

my Cher Tour schedule 

# posted by head blogger @ 7:38 pm
here it is folks! This is my schedule:

24 Feb Fly Sydney to Melbourne
25 Feb Rest Day
26 Feb Cher Concert
27 Feb Cher Concert
28 Feb Rest Day
1 Mar Cher Concert
2 Mar Fly Melbourne to Sydney
3 Mar Cher Concert
4 Mar Cher Concert
5 Mar MG
6 Mar Recovery
7 Mar Cher Concert
8 Mar Rest Day
9 Mar Cher Concert in Newcastle
10 Mar Rest Day
11 Mar Fly Sydney to Brisbane then Cher Concert
12 Mar Cher Concert
13 Mar Big Gay Day in Brisbane
14 Mar Fly Brisbane to Adelaide
15 Mar Cher Concert
16 Mar Cher Concert
17 Mar Fly Adelaide to Sydney (Home at last!)
18 Mar Cher’s Final Concert in Sydney

D xx
Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

NZ news: Piece of NZ on Cher's shopping list 

# posted by head blogger @ 9:09 am

Source: NZ Herald
By Elizabeth Binning

Between photo shoots and performing for 20,000 fans in Auckland, Cher has been busy doing what visiting entertainers do - looking for a piece of New Zealand to buy.

The 58-year-old singer told the Weekend Herald yesterday that she is not after anything too grand: "I just want about 20 acres and a beach."

During an exclusive photo shoot, the perfectly groomed Cher said she had engaged a real estate agent to find the right block of land while she is in the country for two concerts.

Cher has already looked at several properties and was meeting the agent yesterday afternoon to look at pictures of more.

The singer, dubbed the world's sexiest grandmother, was not sure exactly where she wanted to buy, but it had to be "some place tropical".

Wearing pink slingbacks, black cord cargo pants, a white T-shirt and black hoodie with pink tinted sunglasses, Cher said she was excited to be here as part of a farewell tour that started in 2002.

The singer has hired a helicopter so she and her crew - who yesterday included a manager, several hair and makeup people and a head bodyguard - can see more of the countryside.

"We have just seen a little bit but so far it's great. We were really excited to come here because we have never been here before."

Cher performs at North Harbour Stadium tomorrow night and at the Westpac Centre in Christchurch on Tuesday night.

Details of her costumes - which in the past have been less than restrained - remain top-secret. As for the colour of her ever-changing hair, it's too early to say if it will remain the fluorescent pinky-red-orange that matched her eyeshadow, shoes and sunglasses for yesterday's photo session.
Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Friday, February 18, 2005

News round up: Front Row Sydney & Cher hat shopping! 

# posted by head blogger @ 4:03 pm
So I picked up front row tickets for the 4th and final show in Sydney this afternoon in the presale offer. I'm not in the centre section but it doesn't matter as they are still front row!!! Michael (my boyf) is coming with me, as well as my friend Paul! Neither of them have sat front row for any concert before so its very exciting!! And hard to believe its only 4 weeks away already!!

This time next week I'll be one sleep away from the opening show in Melbourne, its very exciting already, I'm not sure what I'll do to stay calm between now and then!!!

Last night I went shopping for supplies to decorate my Cher sailors hats for the shows. I've got 5 blank hats to decorate and this weekend only to do it. I've roped in my friend Justin to help! Hot glue guns at the ready!! Out shopping I picked up more sparkles than Cher has worn the entire tour, plus glitter, sequins, spangly sparkly fabrics, butterflies and a platypus or two! They all made their way in to my shopping bag! Gosh that was fun! I do love the discount stores of Bondi Junction!

So thats all my news, Cher should be in New Zealand already, getting ready for the show on Sunday night in Auckland, but rumours are that she is actually here in Sydney. I'm not sure but I'm going to do a quick squizz down by the hotel she is staying at here.

Ciao for now!
David x
Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Cher Announces 4th and Final Sydney show! 

# posted by head blogger @ 4:59 pm
Source: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=15492

Cher adds fourth Sydney show to tour
16:59 AEDT Mon Feb 14 2005

Cher has added another Sydney date to her Australian tour.

Already playing three shows at the Sydney Entertainment Centre, the singer announced a fourth date at the venue on March 18.

She will begin the Australian leg of her tour - the last shows on The Farewell Tour (Never Can Say Goodbye) - at the Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne on February 26.

Cher will now perform 12 shows in Melbourne, Sydney, Newcastle, Brisbane and Adelaide.

©AAP 2005

Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

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