
Saturday, March 19, 2005

It's so sad that you're leaving, takes time to believe this.... 

# posted by head blogger @ 1:46 pm
The Australian Tour wrapped up in Sydney last night with a spectacular show.

Cher was in a great mood, in fabulous voice and the crowd was pumped and really into it.

I saw Dori, Dennis and Bubba before the show and had a chance to say goodbye to them and thank them for all that they'd done for me the past 3 weeks. They were all so wonderful.

The show itself was great, although as it went on it was increasingly bittersweet, as I knew that each interaction was probably going to be my last.

Cher waved and pointed at me during ISHFWILF, during Shoop Shoop and then at the very end, after she'd finished Believe, she came right down to where I was at looked straight at me and gave me about 5 goodbye waves as I started to cry.

I threw a beautiful sailors hat I called "Butterflies" up for Turn Back Time which she saw straight away and said "Oh this is spectacular" and then went looking at the others, but came back to mine and said "I don't think its going to fit on my hair" but she wore it anyway!!! It looked fantastic too! The boys who caught the hat were so lovely to give it back to me at the end, such a great bonus.

After she went off stage at the end of TBT, and Patti and Stacey come to the front of the stage for their bit, they both came past and gave me big waves and "I Love You's", I was saying thank you, and blowing them kisses.

When the music for Believe started up I was so sad, the last song I'd ever see Cher sing live. I couldn't dance I was so sad. Patti and Stacey kept looking at me and trying to get me to smile but I just couldn't. When Cher sang "Its so sad that you're leaving, it takes time to believe this" I started to cry.

Right at the end after Cher had gone off, Patti and Stacey were really great, waving goodbye and saying I love You and taking my kisses that I was blowing at them. Those girls are so sweet and they helped make my tour experience so much fun. From the show counts every night to the waves, taking my little gifts and stuff, I'm going to miss that interaction with them so much.

And then it was over and I didn't know what to do, I was crying so much, sounds silly I know, but its been a whole 3 weeks of tour and so many awesome experiences and meeting everyone and hanging out with them. It's just been magical, truly amazing. I don't think I'll ever get to do this again in my lifetime, certainly not like this anyway.

I hate to say this, but for all you folks that have been doing this for the past 3 years, if you go to the last show/s, its tough watching the end, knowing that its really the end, the last time.

Be strong, enjoy it, lap it up for your memories. Most of all, love it with all your hearts. It's incredibly special.

This is my final post for Cher's Australian Tour section of my site, I hope you enjoyed my stories.

David xx
Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

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