
Saturday, February 26, 2005

Oz: less than 6 hours to go!! 

# posted by head blogger @ 3:14 pm
OMG!!! So it's just about here!!!! In less than 6 hours Cher will take to the stage of the Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne for the first of 12 sold out shows across Australia!!!

I am trying to stay calm but a few times this morning have found myself squealing spontaneously as I've thought about what I'm about to experience!! It's hard to believe that it's even happening, and I don't think I'm really going to believe it until I see her up on the chandelier - and then I'm sure all hell will break lose!!!

I've got my fingers crossed that the crowd is good, that they are up for it and get into it. I'm front row centre for all the Melbourne shows so I'm really hoping that I can stand up without getting hassled.

Even though I know where Cher is staying here in Melbourne I've been really good and not gone and hung out by the hotel. As some of you know I made Cher a book that I'm hoping to give to her personally at some point on the tour, so I may have missed some chances to do that already, once the publicity starts I guess she'll be just that little bit harder to find or get to. But keep your fingers crossed for me.

There was a couple of good write ups in the Melbourne Herald Sun newspaper today which I'll try and post here for you all to read, and of course I expect that most of the Sunday papers and news reports will contain something about the tour kicking off tonight.

Thank you to everyone who's SMS'd and phoned to wish me luck and lots of enjoyment over the tour, its really appreciated.

Well, here goes, I've got to finish getting ready then I'm heading off to Rod Laver shortly, I'll post as soon as the show is finished and just what happened. I hope to get some photos and some other little suprises, so keep checking back here over the coming weeks for all the latest updates!!!

Cher Farewell Tour Australia 2005: 12 shows, 21 days, 5 cities! Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena - 26, 27 February & 1 March; Sydney's Entertainment Centre - 3, 4, 7 March; Newcastle's Entertainment Centre - 9 March; Brisbane's Entertainment Centre - 11 & 12 March; Adelaide's Entertainment Centre - 15 & 16 March; and the Australian Finale at Sydney's Entertainment Centre 18 March.

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